Katrin Becker

Professional Experience

Since 01/2016 Research Scientist in “Law and Culture”, University of Luxembourg
01–06/2022 Senior Fellow at Weizenbaum Institute, Berlin
Research Group Trust in Distributed Environments
10/2018-07/2019 Research Fellow at Institut d’Études Avancées
Nantes, France
03/2012–11/2015 Scientific Researcher (PhD), University of Luxembourg
08/2013–12/2013 Semans Scholar – Visiting Instructor Duke University, Durham, NC, USA
04/2011–12/2011 Translator: Pierre Legendre’s Désir Politique de Dieu. German Edition of Legendre’s Works, published by Prof. Georg Mein at University of Luxembourg
07/2008–12/2011 Trilingual Translator (English, French, German) Endrös-Baum-Associés, law firm, Paris
Full-time employment from 10/2010
05/2005–12/2011 Freelance Editor Delta international cits GmbH, Service provider for translation


08/2019 – [] Habilitation: Between autonomy and heteronomy: subjectivity, culture and law in times of decentralisation.
Supervisor: Prof. Rainer Maria Kiesow, Centre Georg Simmel, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France
03/2012–11/2015 Ph.D. in Modern German Literature and Cultural Studies
University of Luxembourg and University of Paris IV-Sorbonne
Dissertation: Zwischen Norm und Chaos: Die literarische Stimme des Rechts. Legendre, Kafka, Hoffmann.
Supervisors: Prof. Georg Mein (Luxembourg), Prof. Gérard Raulet (Paris-Sorbonne)
[Summa cum laude with distinction]
Nominated for the Rolf-Tarrach-Preis (best-thesis-award) (Uni.Lu)
10/2008–10/2010 Maîtrise & Master of Arts in German & Romance Studies
University Paris IV-Sorbonne
Master’s thesis II: Mimesis. Ein anthropologisches politisches neues Paradigma.
Master’s thesis I: Le « mécanisme du bouc émissaire » dans la société humaine: Comparaison des théories de Sigmund Freud & René Girard
10/2005–10/2008 Bachelor of Arts / Licence: German and Romance Studies
French-German Studies: Binational excellence program at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-University of Bonn and University Paris IV-Sorbonne
Scholarship funded by the French-German University
10/2000–10/2005 Law Studies
Friedrich-Wilhelms-University of Bonn (Semester 5-10) & University of Trier (Semester 1-4)
Additional qualification: Specialized Foreign Language Training in Anglo-American Law (completed in August 2002)

Institutional Responsibilities

Since 09/2022 Deputy Director of the Trinational Masters program in Literature, Culture, and Language History of the German-Speaking World, Universities of Luxembourg, Saarbrücken, Metz; Director: Prof. Oliver Kohns
Since 04/2022 Erasmus Coordinator for outgoing students: Responsible for the creation of „Learning Agreements“, course selection, ÉCTS point recognition, general advising
08/2017 – 06/2018 Responsible for Doctoral School at the Institute for German Studies: Organization of master classes, workshops, colloquia

Teaching Experience

Courses Cultural History and Theory of Modernity, Media Theory and Analysis, Intercultural Communication, Blockchain technology and its impact on law and culture, Philosophy of Law

Research Collaborations

Since 09/2024 Member of research group „Foundations of the philosophy of digitality“, led by Prof. Christoph Durt (TMU Munich). Monthly online meetings and discussions of foundational texts concerning AI and digitality.
Since 09/2023 Workshop series at the Interuniversity Centre, Dubrovnik on « Public Opinion », in collaboration with Prof. Gérard Raulet (University Paris-Sorbonne) and Prof. Christian Bermes (University of Landau)
Since 02/2022 Founder and lead of the transdisciplinary and interfaculty research group: « Blockchain BRIDGES » at Uni.Lu
Since 01/2022 Lead of research group: « Justice en ligne », with Prof. Jean Lassègue (CNRS)
Since 11/2019 Lead of research group: « Technique – symbolique – pouvoir », with Prof. Pierre Musso (Télécom ParisTech/University of Rennes)

Extra-Academic Professional Activities

04/2011 – 12/2011 Translation of Pierre Legendre’s Désir Politique de Dieu, German edition edited by Prof. Georg Mein at the University of Luxemburg
10/2008 – 12/2011 Trilingual Translator (English, French, German), Éndros-Baum-Associés, German-French law firm for product liability law, Paris (full time from 10/2010)
05/2005 – 12/2011 Freelance Editor, Delta international cits GmbH, service company for technical translation

Scholarships and Awards

2022 Scholarship for stay as Senior Research Fellow at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society, Berlin
2018/2019 Scholarship for stay as Research Fellow at the Institut d‘Études Avancées, Nantes, France
2016 Nomination as representative candidate of the Faculty of Humanities for the best doctoral thesis award – Prix Rolf Tarrach
2012 – 2015 PhD Scholarship funded by the AFR-Program of the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR)
2007 – 2008 Mobility scholarship funded by the Franco-German University (DFH) for the third year of the BA program, as part of the binational BA program of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University, Bonn and the Sorbonne, Paris IV


01-09/2022 Active member of the editorial board of the Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art 2022, curated by Kader Attia
Since 12/2019 Associate member at the Centre Georg Simmel, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris
Since 04/2018 Associate member at the Research Focus „KulturNorm“, University of Landau
Since 04/2017 Internal Fellow at the Robert Schuman Institute of European Affairs, University of Luxembourg, interdisciplinary center, funded by the EU Commission as a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Since 08/2012 Active member of the Research group on Weimar culture, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris, France

Volunteer Experience

1999 – 2000 Ringwood, Hampshire, UK: Voluntary Social Year, Camphill Sheiling, living and working with young people with special needs